Tuesday, June 26, 2012

working on me

I dont know what has happened to me. When Coby and I split the sheet and got the divorce I took hold of my life and lost all the weight and I looked and felt great about myself. Even Coby was hitting on me.. wishing he had me. It was nice, even though he never had a chance. James is my everything. I quit my job at Curves and moved in with him 2 hours away. No job.. nothing to do all day but sit around.. Ive gained 20 lbs. UGH! GAG! I feel horrible. I love being here with James. I just need to find a life for myself here. Something beyond the life we have together in this house. A job or SOMETHING. He and I have started to go to the gym. I need to lose this weight. I need to take myself back. Here we go.